June 2024


Posted on Jun 29, 2024

Have your circumstances changed since you last reviewed your mortgage?

As a home owner, it's important to stay up to date on the home financing options available to you so that your mortgage remains suitable and relevant to your current lifestyle and circumstances.

Setting up a mortgage check-up can provide you with peace of mind in knowing you will...

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3 Valuable Benefits of a 120 Day Rate Hold

Posted on Jun 27, 2024

Are you holding your breath every time the Bank of Canada mentions an upcoming interest rate rise?  If you are considering buying in the next few months or wanting to shop around for different mortgages from different banks, and time is not on your side, you might want to consider a 120 day rate hold.

Tell me more, I hear you say!

There's nothing more...

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Your Home: Is it Time To Downsize, Upsize

Posted on Jun 25, 2024

As Fall has arrived, so has the inevitable beginning of the school and college year for many parents and young people launching into the next stage of their lives.
Many parents find themselves entering the ‘empty-nest’ season where their young adult children are spreading their wings and venturing out into the big wide world. Or younger parents coul...

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